Can a diuretic make you poop

By | May 10, 2020

can a diuretic make you poop

Chlorogenic acid, specifically, decreases the pH in the stomach making the stomach more acidic. A study published in the Journal of Human Make and Dietetics found that diuretic strong tolerance for the diuretic properties of coffee often develops in individuals who regularly consume the beverage. Many people will spend hours obsessing about their bowels. Why does coffee make you poop? Finally, certain medical can can contribute as well. But although coffee can loosen your stools, other add-ins poop be to blame: dairy, excess sugar, and sorbitol an artificial you used as a laxative can also cause diarrhea.

But does coffee really make you poop? But caffeine can also have a laxative effect in some particularly sensitive people. The chemical stimulates muscle contractions in the large intestines, which are similar to the contractions that happen after you eat a meal. We know that caffeine is the culprit because regular coffee is a lot better at this laxative effect than decaf, according to William DePaolo, a molecular microbiology and immunology professor at the Keck School of Medicine at USC.

For some people this can be an inconvenience, but for others, coffee can be one way of keeping regular. Some coffee drinkers will readily feel this gastrointestinal effect, some less so. Although there have been no large-scale studies on this subject, what we do know is that drinking coffee can stimulate movement of the colonic muscles, thus promoting peristalsis the coordinated contraction and relaxation of intestinal muscles that causes bowel movements. One study noted that the magnitude of this peristaltic effect of caffeinated coffee is similar to one induced by eating a meal. Aside from promoting bowel movements, coffee can also cause looser stools because increased peristalsis leaves less time for the colon to perform one of its key functions—reabsorbing water from fecal matter to produce well-formed stools. Be aware, however, that other common accompaniments to coffee can be culprits in this matter. So how much coffee is needed to get results? The above-referenced study used a black Colombian coffee containing milligrams mg of caffeine, a fairly average caffeine content for an 8-ounce oz cup of joe.

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