High blood pressure: Best oil to cook with to lower your reading

By | June 9, 2019

High blood pressure rarely has notable symptoms, but if the condition is left untreated, a person an be at increased risk of cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, gout and vision problems. To find out if you have high blood pressure you should have your reading checked on a regular basis, either by a GP or pharmacist or using a blood pressure monitor at home. To prevent the condition developing in the first place or to lower a reading, experts advise people make changes to what they’re eating.

Eating less sugar and saturated fat and eating more fruit and vegetables are some general rules to follow.

When it comes to what oil to cook with or to splash over your salad, which one is considered best?

With so many available, from rapeseed oil to coconut oil, knowing which one to pick can prove a tricky task.

But according to a study published in Clinical Nutrition, extra virgin olive oil was found to have a positive effect on elderly patients who were medically create for high blood pressure.

Some of the elderly patients with the condition took extra virgin olive oil, while others took sunflower oil.

After four weeks, results showed extra virgin olive oil reduced blood pressure more than sunflower oil did.

The study suggested choosing extra virgin olive oil may help prevent high blood pressure and may reduce a high reading.

Olive oil is an example of a healthy fat, which are essential in a healthy diet.

Its inflammation-fighting polyphenols content is what’s thought to help reduce blood pressure.

Olive oil has a high smoke temperature, which is what also makes it an ideal choice for frying foods.

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Other changes you can make to your diet, recommended by Bupa, are adding more calcium and potassium-rich foods in your diet, eating less salt, cutting down on alcohol and drinking less coffee and caffeinated drinks.

But diet changes aren’t the only way to prevent or reduce blood pressure.

Being active is also considered important, as regular exercise can keep your heart and blood vessels in good condition.

Regular exercise can also help you lose weight, which can help towards lowering blood pressure.

The NHS advises: “Adults should do at least 150 minutes (2 hours and 30 minutes) of moderate-intensity aerobic activity, such as cycling or fast walking, every week.

“Physical activity can include anything from sport to walking and gardening.”

Daily Express :: Health Feed