Why does diet mean

By | November 6, 2020

why does diet mean

Namespaces Article Talk. Are we missing a good definition for diet? Nutrition Journal. What is the pronunciation of diet? Modern usage mainly relates to the Japanese Parliament, called “Diet” in English. Don’t keep it to yourself

Thanks for your vote! Our diet is the food we eat and drink. Individual dietary choices may be more or less healthy. All that being said, I wanted to say a huge thank you to Bvrdan for the great article suggestion… as well as all the other TeamHooman members who participated. New Words boreout. Freebase 0. People who follow these diets can get all necessary nutrients, but may need to specifically focus on consumption of nutrients like protein nutrient, iron, calcium, zinc, and B The diet of the Giant Panda consists mainly of bamboo.

The term is used historically for deliberative assemblies such as the German Imperial Diet the general assembly of the Imperial Estates of the Holy Roman Empire, as well as a designation for modern-day legislative bodies of certain countries and states such as the National Diet of Japan, or the German Bundestag, the Federal Diet. Through a false etymology, reflected in the spelling change replacing ae with e, the word “diet” came to be associated with Latin dies, “date”. After the Second Peace of Thorn of , a German-language [ citation needed ] Prussian diet Landtag was held in the lands of Royal Prussia, a province of Poland in personal union with the king of Poland. The Riksdag of the Estates was the diet of the four estates of Sweden, from the 15th century until From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Type of deliberative assembly.

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