Tag Archives: Allergies

Can allergies cause neck pain

Basically, allergy is an abnormal immune reaction to a normal substance. Fun Fact: the average human head weighs pounds. Possible links between seasonal allergies and neck pain Some people feel that they have neck pain at the same time of the year when their allergies flare up. Nasal spray is an option for more severe… Read More »

How long can seasonal allergies last

Learn the signs and symptoms of food allergy. If you sneeze and cough during certain times of the year, you may have seasonal allergies. An allergist can pinpoint the cause and help you find relief. In many areas of the United States, spring allergies begin in February and last until the early summer. Tree pollination… Read More »

What causes cat hair allergies

Cta Pet allergy is an allergic cat to proteins found in an animal’s skin cells, saliva or urine. This research identified the series of events that must occur at a molecular level for causes dander to activate the immune system. The symptoms of cat allergies vary depending on what protein someone is allergic to and… Read More »

What can allergies be treated with

September 20, Epinephrine ep- uh -NEF-rin comes in a pre-measured and self-injectable device. Essential oils can be diffused into the air but should be diluted in a carrier oil if applied topically. Be sure to use hot water. Pet allergies can contribute to constant allergy symptoms, such as causing your eyes to water, or causing… Read More »