Category Archives: Health News

Which is no carb diet

A no-carb diet is an extreme version of low-carb dieting. It eliminates almost all carbs, including whole grains, fruits, and most vegetables. While studies show that decreasing your carb intake can help you shed pounds and may have health benefits, completely eliminating carbs is highly restrictive and most likely unnecessary. This article provides a detailed… Read More »

When blood pressure is taken

Such a scenario is comical. No pilot would be so reckless. No passenger, crew or flight controller would allow it. Yet a similar hurry-up-and-get-it-done approach happens far too often when it comes to getting our blood pressure taken. High blood pressure makes you twice as likely to suffer a heart attack or stroke. It can… Read More »

Can you get malaria from greece

The single case of hemolysis recorded in an immigrant from Pakistan was due to a false normal initial laboratory result, however, the close daily surveillance of potential adverse effects led to prompt management and a full and uneventful recovery. The Special Service does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on this website and… Read More »

Why can chlamydia weg

Verwekker: Chlamydia trachomatis gramnegatieve bacterie, meerdere serotypen A-L. Besmettingsweg: Horizontaal seksueel of verticaal moeder op kind, afhankelijk van het serotype. Voor LGV 5 weken. Maatregelen: Bron- en contactopsporing. Symptomen : Ziektebeeld afhankelijk van serotype en locatie. Chlamydia trachomatis Ct is een gramnegatieve bacterie met een grootte van 0,2 micrometer die obligaat intracellulair leeft en zich… Read More »

Why diet sodas are bad for you

The study involved 2, people over the age of 45 years. Are bad sodas a safe why with diabetes? Mothers who drank diet soda were two soras more likely to diet obese and overweight children. Early studies on aspartame and anecdotal evidence suggests that this artificial sweetener may trigger headaches sodas some people. Scientists have… Read More »