How To Start Lifting Weights As A Beginner

By | November 3, 2020

How To Start Lifting Weights As A Beginner
How To Start Lifting Weights As A Beginner

How To Start Lifting Weights As A Beginner : It is really true that strength training can at first glance seem like something deadly hard and difficult. Especially if you tried to find this phrase in a google search and once saw weightlifters who, with a terrible cry, threw a weight over their heads 2 times their body weight.

It is important to understand that these results usually come after years of dedicated professional training. These “superhumans” were also once beginners and could hardly do push-ups from their knees.

The beginner’s initial strength training challenge is not limited to reaching fantastic strength gains as soon as possible. Anyone who dreams of squatting with a heavy barbell, of course, will build their program with an emphasis on this. But strength training will make you stronger in your day-to-day life: be able to carry your bags home from the store or pull your fat cat out  under the sofa normally.

Strength training is a way to keep your body functional and healthy for many years. After all, no one has canceled the fact that after 30 we all begin to inevitably lose muscle mass and pumping iron helps us fight this.

Strength training doesn’t mean hard. It can and should be interesting and fun! Read on  basic strength training tips and tricks for beginners below.

  1. Start with your own bodyweight

    Strength training is the execution of a movement against resistance. For most, this is of course external resistance, but your body can also create the resistance. Therefore, to begin with, this is already a solution. Exercises with your own bodyweight are essential for mastering basic movement patterns. In order to do a back squat with a barbell , you need to master the mechanics of squatting with your own weight: learn to bend your lower back, move your pelvis back, and your knees to the sides.

  2. Technique is your priority.

    Exercises are important not only to perform, but also to perform them correctly. The form of movement and the angles in the joints are not only effective, but also safe. If you can’t, simplify and reduce the load. Slowing down or using a lighter weight is a wise decision. If you do not know how to do it correctly, ask your coach or search for an answer online.

    The advantage of working with a coach is that he can teach you based on your skills and suggest optimal progression or prep options for the exercises. If you can’t allow yourself the services of the personal coach, then search the net for some tips and work in front of a mirror, it’s easier to learn how to move correctly.

  3. Prepare yourself for strength training.

    A good warm-up is an essential part of effective strength training. It is best to start it with foam rolling. This will help prepare the muscles and fascia. An active dynamic warm-up will warm up the muscles and increase the mobility of the joints, which means a better worl of muscle fibers and a high-quality result. You should also prepare cool outfits and training accessories for yourself. Find something interesting here:

  4. Plan your loads.

    It is recommended for beginners to start with 2-3 sessions a week, and after a few months you can switch to 4-5 sessions a week. But this does not mean that all 5 activities should be killer, light and recovery workouts are also important. For beginners, total-body workouts are preferable, rather than sessions for working out individual muscle groups. If you train 3 times a week, it could be circuit training, weightlifting, and something from Crossfit. Remember that as you grow in fitness, your training program should not stretch out in time: 40-50 minutes is more than enough. Also, at least once a week, you need to plan cardio exercises. Although the correct ratio of types of loads depends primarily on your goals.

  5. Lift the correct weight.

    The optimal number of reps for a beginner is 12-15. In the first month of training, 1-2 sets for each exercise are enough. When you feel that you are getting stronger, perform 3 sets. Different exercises and muscle groups require different weights, but the general approach to loading is this: it should be hard enough, but not so much that you are unable to control the technique. Another important point is the correct choice of rest periods. For a beginner, the optimal ratio is 1: 2, that is, if the exercise is performed for 45 seconds, then you need to rest for 90 seconds. After the resting time, a feeling of recovery is needed. The heart rate should not remain as high as in cardio.

  6. Develop fundamentals.

    Professional athletes create their training program in a complex and varied way, depending on the training period. All this is not necessary for a beginner. Your task is to master the fundamentals of movement: squats, deadlifts, presses. Work in this direction and gradually increase the load carefully. For the first few months, you will definitely have enough.

  7. Cooling down is required.

    After the main work is done, it is important to stretch and relax your muscles and joints. Spend at least 5-10 minutes after each session. While the body is hot, it is important to do this part for a quality recovery from stress!

  8. Listen to your body and rest when needed.

    Muscle pain and stiffness is normal! These feelings can remain in the muscles for 2-3 days after training. When you do physical work, microtrauma of muscle fibers is inevitable. If you don’t plan your rest days, your muscles simply won’t be able to recover and get stronger. Learn to listen to your body: If you’re feeling tired on a 7 out of 10 scale, you need a full rest day.

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How To Start Lifting Weights As A Beginner

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