How to use gun depression wot

By | May 28, 2020

how to use gun depression wot

All detailed performance changes of the above vehicles may be found in the release patch notes. Prototype 14 Posted Jun 07 – Staff sergeant. Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next. Like a see-saw. Sign in anonymously. We welcome your feedback, Commanders! Why is gun depression important?

Jump to content. With good gun depression you can hide behind small ramps and shoot the ememy in fount by doing that you can hide your lower plate which normally has very less armor but still be able to shoot them. In a world that’s changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks. When you want to succeed as much as you want to live to breathe, then only you will succeed. On flat ground less or more gun dippresion doest matter much but in uneven ground a tank with low gun dippresion will have to come all the way up a small Hill to shoot at any tank on the other side. Hence exposing a lot of the tank to enemy fire but a tank with lot of gun dippresion can shoot over the hill with out exposing lot of the tank,hence minimising the chance of getting shoot at in return. Whenever I hear the term “gun depression” I like to think it’s the feeling you get when you drive an IS Pape, on 26 January – PM, said. Pape, on 27 January – PM, said.

Jump to content. Original article by rocketbrainsurgeon A lot of players ask: What is gun depression and how do you use it? In World of Tanks, your vehicle isn’t invincible – far from it, in fact. December 05 My gun depresses me: ‘that one bounced’, ‘penetration’ yet no damage, ‘that one went straight through’ causing no damage. Gun depression makes it easier to get more shots in during the game.

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